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Föreläsingsanteckningar - Internationell ekonomi - StuDocu

UK GDP. 1,401 bn. (2,457 bn USD). US rescue package. 400 bn 1913. 1913-.

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X10-14. 0,315. 0,444. RC pass. 4,000 on GDP, Department for Transport, London. Duranton  The British physician Edward Jenner invented the vaccine against smallpox. MEDICAL WRITING.

59. 537. 2 507 Storbritannien United Kingdom.

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India. India represented 3.5% of the world's economy in 1964 (highest point), and had its lowest world economy share at 1% in 1992.

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1915. 93. 31. 21. 10. 1966.

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2,697. X40. 1,250. 1,763. X10-14.

Infographic exploring the trends in world GDP from 1AD to 2008AD. Where no single estimate of GDP is produced, and either an income-based or expenditure-based measure must be chosen, the expenditure-based measure was used. Note that no GDP estimates are included from the year 1978; this is not due to a gap in the data, but rather to a delay between publications of the Economic Trends Annual Supplement. Debt / GDP and DJIA information is shown beginning in 1913, the year of the founding of the Federal Reserve System.
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the free trade agreements: 1988-2005 The text, tables, and figures in this report refer only to merchandise exports allmän - core.ac.uk - PDF: hdl.handle.net.